Unlock Your Day’s Potential with the "Magic of Morning Rituals!"(Momr)

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.” – Benjamin

Start Your Day Like a Millionaire:   "Imagine starting every day with Intention, Clarity, and Energy!"

Discover Your Inner Potential!  

What you Gain!!

Wakeup early - Simple 5 techniques to wake you up @ 5am! 
7 Powerful Breathing Practices -  Strengthens your Inner Core Nerve system & Prevents you from majority of diseases.
Muscular Exercise - Physical exercise for muscular strength, flexibility and keeps you energetic.  
Gratitude  Habit of feeling  thankfulness! & Grateful!
Day of Intentions -. Setting a goal for the day! & action taking!
4 Mindful Meditation -  Powerful meditation that connects your conscious mind to super conscious mind!  
Visualization First creation in Mind Memory. 

This Masterclass is for YOU if:

You’re a Student or Professional Preparing for Success
You Want to Experience More Joy and Peace 
You Struggle with Consistency and Routine
You Struggle with Consistency and Routine
You’re Passionate About Personal Growth
You're Seeking Better Work-Life Balance
You Want to Boost Productivity and Focus
You're Struggling with Stress or Overwhelm
You’re an Entrepreneur or Freelancer
You’re a Parent or Caregiver

Build Your New Habits in 21 days!

1.Wake up
@ 5am
2.Inner Core   Transform
 4.muscular   Fitness
6.Goals for  the day

Wake up at 5 AM

Why morning matter so much? 

My experience has been that the more you explore the power of early rising and morning rituals, the better poised you are to build purposeful wealth. But don’t take my word for it, there’s increasing evidence that the early bird gets a lot more than the worm. Here are just a few of the key advantages you’re about to experience for yourself when you create your
Miracle Morning:

You’ll be more proactive and productive: Harvard Business Review, found that “people whose performance peaks in the morning are better positioned for career success because they’re more proactive than people who are at their best in the evening.”

You’ll anticipate problems and head them off at the pass: “better able to anticipate and minimize problems, are proactive, have greater professional success and ultimately make higher wages.”

You’ll plan like a pro: It’s been said that when we fail to plan, we are planning to fail. That’s even truer when it comes to wealth. Morning folks not only have the time to organize, anticipate, and prepare for their day, they also have time to financially plan.

You’ll have more energy: One component of your new Miracle Mornings will be morning exercise, which often is something neglected by…well, just about everyone. As little as a few minutes of exercise sets a positive tone for the day. Increased blood to the brain will help you think more clearly and focus on what’s most important.

You’ll gain early bird attitude advantages: Researchers at the University of Barcelona in Spain compared morning people—those early birds who like to get up at dawn—with evening people: night owls who prefer to stay up late and sleep in. Among the differences they found were that morning people tend to be more persistent and resistant to fatigue, frustration, and difficulties. That translates into decreased anxiety, depression and likelihood of substance abuse, and higher life satisfaction. 

I can tell you from the perspective of someone who’s built wealth that each one of those benefits is an enormous advantage on the journey to becoming a millionaire.

- Productivity
- Proactive problem solving
- Higher income
- Daily planning
- Higher energy
- More positive mood and resilience

Is there a better list of traits needed to become wealthy? I don’t think so. And every one of them is connected, by research, to mornings.

If mornings are so great, why aren’t we all up early?

Five step proof wake up strategy: 

Five minutes and Five Steps that's all it takes.

1. Set your intentions before bed: t your first thought in the morning is usually the same as your last thought was before you went to sleep.

2. Get Out of Bed to Turn Your Alarm Off: be sure to move your alarm clock as far away from your bed as possible.

3.Minute Three: Brush Your Teeth:

4.Minute Four: Drink a Full Glass of Water

5. Minute Five: Get Dressed in Your Workout Clothes.

Inner core Breathing Practice!!

Why Breathing exercise is important? 

Most causes for human diseases are not due to lack energy but due to lack of circulation of energy! Our human body made up of 50-60 trillions of cells, several hundred organs etc. For them to function properly they need energy and oxygen. Energy you will get it from food you intake. The lungs absorb oxygen from the air you breathe in and transfer it into your bloodstream so that it can get to every part of your body. Of course while in normal breath it takes minimal capacity for survival needs. In deed lungs has capacity to expand the size of tennis court. In order to ensure oxygen supplies to each and every cells and organs in your body you have to take extra effort to inhale(nose) and exhale(mouth). That's  where the breathing practice or yoga what ever you call it. These exercise simple to practice but impacts are miracles!

- It strengthens your inner core system & Immune system.

- It prevents from most of the diseases. 

- It expands your life span with healthy lifestyle.

- This is only exercise strengthens your nerve systems between brain ad rest of the body.

There are about 7 methods of breathing exercises,  you will practice with me at 5AM.

Why should you need to practice Meditation? 
How will that help you?

Well, most people have this question in their minds. Before I answer the above? let me share three truths, then you can make your own decision about whether to practice meditation or not. The choice is yours.

Truth#1: Thought pollution:
In today’s world, people talk about the severity of air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution etc, There is another severe pollution which is affecting every individual which is called “Thought pollution”. In our daily life, we always go outside and end up meeting colleagues, friends, relatives, and known and unknown people, while this your body and cloth gets dirty, which you are cinching by taking bath and washing. At the same time, you will be hearing positive, negative, and unwanted talks, and thoughts going into your mind. To clinch or organize your unwanted and negative thoughts not do anything. How can you do that? That process is called “meditation”.

Truth#2: Unwanted Traffic in your Life?
If you are driving from home to the office in the morning and late at night let's say after 10 pm. It takes different times to reach, no matter how big and luxurious a car you drive. The reason being more traffic obstacles in the morning hours and not in the late hours.
You are not able to achieve the success that you want, not because you do not have a source or power but because there are a lot of obstacles in your path.
It can be negative energy or thoughts, limited beliefs within you, or unwanted energy induced by others.
Meditation helps you to clear this kind of unwanted traffic in your mind and free your negative thoughts, stress, and depression.

Truth#3: CSF (CerebroSpinal Fluid or Conscious Spiritual Flowering):
This has medically proven there is something CSF is a kind of fluid present around our human brain and continues through to the spinal. Most of the brain's instructions are communicated through this. So Why I am saying this? When you are in meditation two things happen the frequency of CSF and Universe match at that moment you will get all the resources to accomplish your dream life, secondly, the happiness feeling first felt in this CSF area then flows to the rest of the body.
People think meditation means spirituality; In fact, meditation is a process through which you can transform your disorganized thought mind into a powerful positive mind. When you practice meditation you will see the following improvement in yourself,
Your positive thoughts will remove all negative and unwanted thoughts.
You will start to believe in yourself and stop doubting yourself.
You no longer fear failure, instead, you will gain the strength to overcome those failures and reap the success.
You will no longer criticize others instead you help others to achieve success.
You will never be a part of negative talks, instead, you will influence positively speak and think.
Once this happens you will have the power to transform anything in your personal & professional life.

Why Muscular Strength?

Well, If your dream life is your ability to play your favorite game, eat a favorite food, and do your favorite things when you turn old let's say 90+, If that’s what your dream then start taking action today onwards. Imagine if you were able to play your favorite hobby game at the age of 80 or 90+ you are the healthiest successful person on this planet.

We are grateful! – Gratitude to Novel Corona Pandemic:
The recent devastated Corona pandemic taught and made us to realize the important and essential value of human health, connecting back to our traditional hobbies, finding time to be with beloved family members, cherishing home cooked food, realizing the loopholes in our system.

In today's world, many people live POOR and die RICH.
Here is my proposal,
Try to spend 60 minutes of quality time on your health that could add to your healthy life span 60+ years more from now,
90 minutes of quality time for physical activities could lead you to a life span of 90+ years.
120 minutes of quality time could lead to 120+ years.

I am not kidding, it's a universal truth. The formula already exists, we have ignored it.
Every Healthy person is an asset to his family, community, and nation.

Here is my tips which I practice with my mentees daily!

1. Jumping jacks

2. Skipping

3. Push ups

4. Virtual jogging

5. Some physical activities which makes you sweating. 

Why Gratitude?

Gratitude is feeling thankful! The habit of gratitude can make you feeling inner peace and self awareness. Secret to wealth is Gratitude! Wealth doesn't depend on who you are? what you have? it solely depend on what you think? Wealth is state of mind, anyone can acquire wealthy state of mind by being grateful. Gratitude up lifts our sprits and feeds our heart. Gratitude brings into present movement. Gratitude is not settling for less, indeed it helps to realize your true potential. Gratitude is learning to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.

Here is a practice tips!!

1. Think about 3-5 things you are grateful for you personal life. eg. I'm grateful for my lovely family, 

2. Think about 3-5 things you are grateful for your professional life. eg. I'm grateful for the current job.

3. Think about 3-5 things you are grateful for your personal self. eg. I'm grateful for the good health.

Practice this at least twice a day.

Why do you need Goals?
What do you want to achieve? Where do I want go?
What do I want out of this job?
Functionally, humans are like bicycle. We are engineered as a goal seeking mechanisms. we are built that way. When we have no personal goal which we are interested in and which "means something" to us. 
     We are built to conquer the environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.

1. write your 5-10 goals for today.
2. Write goals for this week.
3. Priorities based on important.



This is such a fun part of The Miracle Morning. This is where we enter the theater of the imagination,

and make anything we want in life to come true in our minds.

• You can see yourself as both as “in a movie,” where you see yourself acting and doing the
things you wish to do in life. Or you can also visualize by “seeing through your own eyes,”
and imagining yourself doing the things.

• Imagine yourself throughout your day acting as perfectly as you can. Visualize yourself
responding to others who may grate on your nerves rather than just reacting to them. See
yourself speaking confidently to others. See yourself eating healthy, or pushing through
your workout. Doing this daily will help refine actions so we can act more as we wish to act.

 • You can use visual cues, such as vision boards, and clippings of things that you want in your
life. However, I’d recommend the ‘action’ in getting those things as part of your visualization,
too. Put in anything and everything you’d like as a part of your idealized future. For this to
happen in your life, it must begin as an idea. That’s why visualization is so powerful.

 • Get help with visualization, especially if you haven’t done it before. You can look it up on
the web, and see how different teachers go about their visualization. You can try many
different ways to do this, and see what feels right to you.

About me

.I'm in a mission to transform one million professionals to live RICH (Rich in Health, Peace of mind, Social, and Wealth creation) by investing 90 minutes every morning its called powerful morning rituals. I'm helping many individuals and professionals to cultivate a new habit in 21 days.  Helping people to manage their own learning and maximize their inner potential. Demonstrate NLP techniques to develop their skills and improve their performance to become a person they want to be!

Mediocre to Millionaire!,  Illness to Wellness,  Fear & Anxiety to Calmness, Conflict to Harmony.

Some of our Mentees shared their Experiences Here!

For past 3 years, I was suffered and lost my my regular sleep. It had affected my family and professional life. I tried with Meganathan's Design your modernmiracle rituals, Initially I didn't believe thought let me try.  He advised me for 4 days practice, then 7 day, and till 21 days I stretched. Now I realized its real miracle happened in my personal and professional life towards raising to whom I want to become.  Now I have decided to practice for rest of my life. 

Rengan Ramaswamy

Solution Architect

Though I am medical professional and taking care of myself, recently I was started feeling depression but do not know how to express but something abnormally bothered me, I've attended Meganathan's free webinar and thought of joining his morning rituals.  I realized the something change in my day to day life style and decided to practice at least 4 days week. 

Ramesh Rangarajan

Medical Professional

I was not a morning person at all, I am accidently a software profession. I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but not really had any clarity how and where to start. Just attended his webinar and spoke to him one on one, his simple guideline really helping me to progress towards my goal. 

Albert N

Software Engineer

e-Book download

Unlock Your Millionaire Morning Rituals with 7 Powerful Practices!


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