Unimaginable Power of Mind Energy (ME)

About MIND!

Mind First, Body Next.
Body exists because of Mind. Mind decides Body Performs.
Mind is the Master & Body is Slave.
Mind has the power of Universe;
Body is a fragment of dust in the universe.
Mind is what matters, Matter doesn’t really matter.
Mind is the greatest of greatest and tiniest if tiniest.
Speed of Mind surpasses speed of light.
Thus Mind is a powerful converter of energy into mass and vice versa.
Do you have the mind to understand mind?

Why do you need to know about MIND?

Every one of us on this planet is “Born to Win & Live RICH”.
But somehow in the process of our life
We have been conditioned to Loose & Live in Mediocrity.
We are conditioned to our Mind Process.
Success, Satisfaction, and Fulfillment are dependent on how you perform in your life.
Your live performance is dependent on your Mind Process.
More than 80% of our sufferings such as depression, negative feelings, sleeplessness, unable to concentrate, and fear of everything lead to blood pressure, Diabetes, Arthritis, Back pain, Heart problems, Compulsive eating, Smoking, Drinking addictions, feeling life as worthless, are attributed to lack of good mental health.
All this is due to
- People are not having awareness (Lack of knowledge)
- People do not care till it gets worse (Lack of preventive actions)
- People do not get care to tack action (Lack of facilities)
- People are negligence not interested to learn (Lack of ignorance)


People say “Seeing is Believing”
On the other hand if you are able to Believe then you will be able to See.
Thus ‘Believing is the Beginning of seeing things in real’.
Believing is called FAITH.
To believe is to Think, Feel, Visualize, Talk, Walk, in what you believe.
Beliefs create Biology.
Self-affirmations (Chantings) are good examples.
If you think you can, you can and if you think can’t, you can’t.
Everything has a source – Almighty. This is considered to be the source of energy, Conserving all energies.
It progressively transforms into Mind energy, Nuclear Energy, Atomic energy, Molecular Energy, Matter Energy, Bio Energy, Sensuous, energy, Intelligence energy, Emotional Energy, Intellectual energy and back to Mind energy to the Source of energy.
Mind, thus is closer to the Almighty - the source of all energies.

MIND - Physics!!

Particle has velocity.
But velocity has no meaning without a particle.
Is it velocity a shadow of the particle or vice versa?
I think particle is a shadow of the velocity.
At low speeds materials exist and at high speeds non material (energy) exists.
Low speeds cannot become high speeds unaided, but high speeds can become lower naturally.
Therefore energy can become matter easily.
Matter is to be excited with energy, to become another form of energy and not otherwise.
Is this not a fundamental law of Thermodynamics?

Intent is therefore what becomes content.
Intention is more of mind and contents is more of material.
Imagination has the ability to bring the image.
Thinking has the ability to bring things.
Mind brings matter to this world.

MIND - Suffer or Joy!

Body has taken the beatings of the past.
They create experiences.
Mind is interpreting the past experiences to the present state as perceptions.
The Universe holds the future based on your needs / expectations.
Thus the past (if negative) is drag on our future.
Therefore we need to break away from the “Habitual Thinking patterns” of suffering & sorrow.
It is time to change to “Freedom of positive uplifting thoughts” of Joy & Happiness.

Think, Feel, talk & Walk towards Joy & Happiness of future.
Immense possibilities exist.

MIND - Speed & Frequency!

Mind interacts with the subatomic particles of Body cells.
Cellular malfunction is the start of any disease.
While the modern science pursues the secrets of diseases, our ancient wisdom gives us the secrets of health practices.
What sciences cannot accomplish, your mind will.
Mind is a miracle machine.
Mind @ Excited ‘beta’ level interact with material aspects
@ lower ‘alpha’ levels interact with psychic aspects.
@ Zero ‘delta’ level interact with Divine aspect.
In Chemistry, Elements table show all heavier elements at the bottom and lighter elements at the top.
Mind @ high speeds capture heavier elements, but misses all lighter elements.
Mind @ lower speeds can capture lighter elements also,
Heavier elements are earthly matters and lighter elements are divinely matters.

MIND - Matter or No Matter!!

Heavy is heavy but not powerful, Light is light but most POWERFUL!!

Heavy is heavy, but not powerful.
Light is light, but most powerful.
Take examples of Atoms and Waves.
A big bang seemed to have produced the entire Universe.
Einstein gave us the relation between matter (mass) and non matter (energy).
The big bang has created light and noise (both are no matter).
Mostly non matter is the source of matter.
Mind is non matter.
It is the source of matter.
Map is not the territory. Like wise Body is not territory. Body is symptom of greater Mind.
We cannot measure force, but only its effects are evidence and not the real.
But they show/represent/prove the existence of Real.
Search for the Real. Capture it.
You will become one with it.
This is the very purpose of life.